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Wednesday, May 17, 2006  

The Pre-Convocation Graduate

Hey everyone!
I've been trying to post something new since last november but because I've been really busy with my last semester, final year project and bla bla that they end up in the drafts section. Anyway, my last semester in the jungle* is over. Its time to pack up, get my clearance done (which is one big headache), empty my room, attend the convocation ceremony, collect my degree and farewell. Another era of my life has come to an end. Now its me doing a job someplace somewhere era.

There's so much to tell about the past 5 months! My incomplete Naran Trip story, the never-ending-earthquake season, ipod and podcasts :D, projects, job hunting, interviews, open house, how a salesperson feels like, water fights, packet wars, CS, high speed carrera 911 races, screaming competitons, WoW on a cracked server, running up the hill (also known as togik), the FBI weekend, back to hanging upside down from the tree, recovering my most valuable hard drive, the hike up to the giki fence, pranks with the NCA folks, the Batch T-shirt, the RAR (Run after Rao), Injuring my fibula tibia (heel bone) that got better after 3 painful weeks, running into the must-run-away situation, return of the first must-run-away situation (this is only for hissam) :P ... and what else...

Prison Break is the most awesome-est TV series ever... heh, well who am i?? Southpark is the only other TV series I watch.. so.. umm.. but still.. Prison Break is really kick ass!! except for the last episode. Episode 22: Flight... that episode was the most disgusting season finale i've ever seen... Do not watch it... bleh~
oh! and Kami got married last month.. yippie!!

Is this any kami I know?

Prison break is uber-l33t :p Last episode aired here was where LJ gets arrested. How many more to go?

Some of those things you mentioned actually seem interesting! :p Congrats on the upcoming graduation, so many "fun" things to look forward to 8-)


Where I found a job, w00t. Lunch breaks ftw!

Ok horrible language aside, you CAN play Guild Wars from Pak. Some dude on a GW forum posts from there, and it's FREE!!! Well after you buy it, but still :p

p.s Coca cola candies were yeeuck!!

Duuuuuuuuude, you're alive! Ran off with my T-shirt...:$:$:$ =))

When's youza coming back? I'm boreeeeeeeddddddd and there are still 18 more days to go! Got a job yet? My situation sucks so bad, my parents are, like, SHUSH! :P I get me a GW server! I wanna playyyy! :D Oooh ooh bring some cool stuff with you whenever you come back! :P

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